Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sailor Moon
Mon amie, Sailor Moon... Elle est Francaise mais elle travaille a Singapour depuis 2006. Il y a 2 ans. Je pense elle est jolie et l'esprit ouvert sur la culture d'Asie et la langue. Elle retourne à Paris en Août. J'ai la fait la peinture. C'est une Femme chinoise boire un café (Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf). Sailor Moon a dit il n'y a pas de café Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf à Paris. J'espère que la peinture la rappellerait d'Asie et un de son café préféré dans Singapour.
Je la manquerai.
Home Improvement Project
Monday, July 30, 2007
I realised that children can turn funny-looking after a trip to the Underwater World. See Images below...
27 Jul 2007, Fri, Rainy
Haaa.... Privacy in my bathroom finally... (Moth has headed for work, 3-year old off at school).
Nice, long shower, doesn't matter if the heater is not working.
Arrived on time for my medical appt with Dr Chong. He's got lots of new born baby photos posted all over the clinic up to the examination bed. I think it's a scheme to "seduce" woman to have loads of babies!!! But it doesn't work on me... Ha!
Following my cystoscopy last month (26 June), and after 1 month of antibiotics, I had my review done. Great... more infection, more medication and 2 more months of antibiotics and then see Dr Chong back in December. After receiving my year-end bonus, I have just enough to pay for more medical bills. La Vie Est Belle! Oh-la-la.
12.00pm - 4.00pm
Picked the two girls up and brought them to the Underwater World. It's wonderful to spend the afternoon with them. They are so well-behaved and they really enjoyed viewing the giant fishes. Guess what the 3-year old thought... "A STINGRAY = A HUMPBACK WHALE?"
Good job darling. Fantastic imagination.
We are currently having a massive, huge, dirty, dusty home improvement project! That includes brand new toilets complete with new doors equipped with STATE OF THE ART, GOOD OLD DOOR LOCK.
The existing bathroom doesn't have a door to it. (I will snap some pixs of my bathroom this evening).
Imagine me... standing in the shower, naked... with soap in my hair... trying to get a nice clean rinse... and ALL OF THE SUDDEN, I have a little person, 95cm in height, stomping into the shower, screaming & crying for my attention (the usual)... "I don't want to go to school!" "Where's my toy?"... blah blah blah... Let me tell you this. It's not easy to deal with this nonsense at 7am in the morning with a cold shower (heater has been unavailable for the past 2 weeks).
Or imagine me... seated on the toilet bowl... and have my MOTH coming in to discuss about some stuff like "nice cooking smell", "you know blah, blah..." (usually topics that are not urgent, not life threatening...)...
Yes, you heard me right, STATE OF THE ART, GOOD OLD DOOR LOCK. Ok, you must be wondering... why the hell do I need a door lock for?
For those of you reading (including the Renovation Contractor who thought I was strange to request for privacy in my toilet), let me tell you more...The existing bathroom doesn't have a door to it. (I will snap some pixs of my bathroom this evening).
Imagine me... standing in the shower, naked... with soap in my hair... trying to get a nice clean rinse... and ALL OF THE SUDDEN, I have a little person, 95cm in height, stomping into the shower, screaming & crying for my attention (the usual)... "I don't want to go to school!" "Where's my toy?"... blah blah blah... Let me tell you this. It's not easy to deal with this nonsense at 7am in the morning with a cold shower (heater has been unavailable for the past 2 weeks).
Or imagine me... seated on the toilet bowl... and have my MOTH coming in to discuss about some stuff like "nice cooking smell", "you know blah, blah..." (usually topics that are not urgent, not life threatening...)...
GUYS! With all due respect, May I have some privacy pleasseeeeee....!!!!!!!!!!! Merci!
Loooong Weekend
6-8 Apr 2007, Good Fri-Sun
We spent a wonderful weekend together. On Good Friday, we brought the 3-year old to Changi Beach. She was very excited about the family outing... With our tent, our bbq pit, our portable table & chair, ice-box... we set off for a splendid day with our friend, Chloe as well. She spent her day building sandcastles.
Come evening time, I invited her to the sea for a dip and she eagerly walked in and was splish-splashing (in her shirt & undie!). She was so happy that she's able to swim in the sea and she seriously and proudly told me that she's no longer afraid. I was so happy to share this moment with her (swimming together in the warm water as the sun sets) as she managed to get rid of her phobia of the sea. Her father smiled so happily at her. : )
When Chloe tried to catch her in the water, the 3-year old said "do you want to break my leg? don't do that, I can't swim without my leg."
Sunday night, we all snuggled in bed watching the documentary "March of the Penguins".
The 3-year old was mermised by the whole scene of the Emperor penguins marching. She related this scene to her favorite cartoon character Henry the Penguin and said she has a cousin too like Henry... her cousin's name is Chick-Chick (aka Nichelle)... Her response is so adorable.
When her father asked her "do you love Daddy?" and "do you know that Daddy loves you"... her reply went "oh... you only love your mummy".
We spent a wonderful weekend together. On Good Friday, we brought the 3-year old to Changi Beach. She was very excited about the family outing... With our tent, our bbq pit, our portable table & chair, ice-box... we set off for a splendid day with our friend, Chloe as well. She spent her day building sandcastles.
Come evening time, I invited her to the sea for a dip and she eagerly walked in and was splish-splashing (in her shirt & undie!). She was so happy that she's able to swim in the sea and she seriously and proudly told me that she's no longer afraid. I was so happy to share this moment with her (swimming together in the warm water as the sun sets) as she managed to get rid of her phobia of the sea. Her father smiled so happily at her. : )
When Chloe tried to catch her in the water, the 3-year old said "do you want to break my leg? don't do that, I can't swim without my leg."
Sunday night, we all snuggled in bed watching the documentary "March of the Penguins".
The 3-year old was mermised by the whole scene of the Emperor penguins marching. She related this scene to her favorite cartoon character Henry the Penguin and said she has a cousin too like Henry... her cousin's name is Chick-Chick (aka Nichelle)... Her response is so adorable.
When her father asked her "do you love Daddy?" and "do you know that Daddy loves you"... her reply went "oh... you only love your mummy".
As you can tell from this reply "my MIL is not very popular with US!"
(A special msg to MOTH "don't get offended as you read this. We are entitled to our personal opinions & we have human rights"...)
Why are you a MAN?
14 Feb 2007, Wed
Today, my 3-year old shot up from bed. She looked around the bedroom urgently and her first question was "Where are you going? Where? Are we going to the beach today?"
Fortunately, I managed to pacify her and lighten up her mood to prepare her for school instead. George found the Valentine's day card I gave him. I clipped it on his shirt and I was happy that he liked the card.
I was in the shower when I overheard her conversation with her dad. "Daddy, would you like to keep your hair long like mine". Dad replied to say "No, I keep my hair short as I'm a man." Her next question to him was "Why are you a MAN?"...
I can't help but to laugh... her questions are so simple and straightforward. Yet, I'm stunned by them and find myself having difficulties replying her.
Today, my 3-year old shot up from bed. She looked around the bedroom urgently and her first question was "Where are you going? Where? Are we going to the beach today?"
Fortunately, I managed to pacify her and lighten up her mood to prepare her for school instead. George found the Valentine's day card I gave him. I clipped it on his shirt and I was happy that he liked the card.
I was in the shower when I overheard her conversation with her dad. "Daddy, would you like to keep your hair long like mine". Dad replied to say "No, I keep my hair short as I'm a man." Her next question to him was "Why are you a MAN?"...
I can't help but to laugh... her questions are so simple and straightforward. Yet, I'm stunned by them and find myself having difficulties replying her.
V-day dinner at the Halia Restaurant followed by a leisure walk in Botanica Gardens. Thanks MOTH for organising a special night out!
One Afternoon
12 Feb 2007, Mon
Another sunny afternoon... took afternoon leave to join Emelia in her swimming class. She was sitting at the edge of the pool, whining... she was happy to see her mummy but she wanted her daddy more.
I supposed her daddy's looks could kill her "coaches"... : )
(aka Uncle Tan & Uncle Charles).
We had a nice time at the pool, wading and kicking water.
Daddy brought her to the doctor as she was having a running nose.
We're counting down the days to Chinese New Year celebrations.
Another sunny afternoon... took afternoon leave to join Emelia in her swimming class. She was sitting at the edge of the pool, whining... she was happy to see her mummy but she wanted her daddy more.
I supposed her daddy's looks could kill her "coaches"... : )
(aka Uncle Tan & Uncle Charles).
We had a nice time at the pool, wading and kicking water.
Daddy brought her to the doctor as she was having a running nose.
We're counting down the days to Chinese New Year celebrations.
Shopping with the 3-year old

That's the 3-year old in her Chinese Costume. Whoever marries her, BE WARNED & GOOD LUCK!
10 Feb 2007, Sat
Spent the afternoon shopping for her high-heel (to match with her Chinese New Year clothings).
The 3-year old chose her shoe carefully, laying the pair of shoes on the ground and then hitting the shoe against the ground... She said her high-heel must make a chop-chop sound... ok, fantastic, we ended up shopping from Parkway Parade to Orchard Road. 2 hrs and finally we spotted a pair of high-heels for her (pink in colour with a ribbon)... and most importantly, it satisified her criteria "chop-chop" and it also satisfied her daddy's criteria... shoes come with straps so they don't fall off her feet whenever we go out.
The almost 3-year old turned 3 year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 Feb 2007, Wed
It was a big occasion at home. Mom carried the giant cake box, Dad carried the giant Nikon camera, and the helper carried a giant bag of goodies for Emelia's classmates... We felt as if we were preparing to attend Emelia's wedding?!?!
She was very happy to see us at school, almost surprised and stunned.
Girlfriends & Family

4 Feb, Sun
7.30am - 10.00am Sunny
My galfriends and I decided that we all deserve a GALS NITE OUT after slogging so hard at work, with our family and boyfriends. So we checked ourselves into Siloso Hotel, spent a nice night together, walking by the beach, dining in style (well, in our slippers and shorts) & complete with a nice manicure & pedicure.
Beautiful morning - everybody was up on time, had breakfast, snapped a few pixs.
Right on schedule for spa service at 10am. However, there were tiny hiccups along the way.
Stepped into Spa Botanica for the very first time with gal pal, Jennifer and grit my teeth to bid farewell to $200 each for a spa package (no wonder I have to continue working in order to enjoy some quality in life).
However, the overall experience was MONEY WELL SPENT. The Spa Botanica is beautifully done up - lovely facilities, beautiful garden. I enjoyed the galaxy steam bath and massage. Wish George (aka MOTH) was with me to experience the peacefulness and serenity of the spa!
Learnt that George and my almost 3-year old are waiting for me down at Siloso Beach. No time to waste, made a dash to catch a taxi to meet them. Also cursing under my breath that Jen is forever so slow in her actions - I think she's more suited to live the life of an Empress, dilly-dallying all the way with her slow walk, almost feel as if she was floating in the air. I wish I got tell her and shake her up a bit, "Wake up and face reality, gal".
Ran to the beach and saw my man waving to me from a distance... then I spotted a tiny human being in a orange floral swim wear and a flower in her hair... that's my little girl. She was waving to me. Imagine the scene... 2 lovers waving to each other on the beach and they ran towards each other. That's what we did. My little girl ran towards me and I ran towards her to scoop her up. So lovely. This fits the movie screen.
We proceed to Cafe Del Mer, the latest and hippest beach cafe in Singapore - complete with a jacuzzi and small pool facing the sea; lots of comfortable deck and arm chairs - plus not so excellent service by the service staff. Emelia had so much fun dipping in the jacuzzi pool with us.
Time for bed. As I was preparing her milk, Emelia said to me "Mummy, there's a lizard in the room". I looked up and saw a baby lizard staring at us from the ceiling. Emelia shouted for MOTH to help (he left his position in front of the telly to get rid of this lizard - it was the Singapore vs Thailand football match). He was pretty good. He came to the room equipped with a long stick and managed to chase the lizard off. Seconds later, Emelia decided to join her daddy. However as she opened the door, the baby lizard decided to sneak into the room - first its head appeared and then the rest of its body. Emelia got a shock, ran to the bed and screamed and cried for her daddy. This time, MOTH made up his mind. He pursued the baby lizard and managed to captured it and... (the rest is history).
I was pretty impressed. I never knew MOTH was capable to capturing lizards through our years of friendship, courtship and marriage. Hmm... macho.
7.30am - 10.00am Sunny
My galfriends and I decided that we all deserve a GALS NITE OUT after slogging so hard at work, with our family and boyfriends. So we checked ourselves into Siloso Hotel, spent a nice night together, walking by the beach, dining in style (well, in our slippers and shorts) & complete with a nice manicure & pedicure.
Beautiful morning - everybody was up on time, had breakfast, snapped a few pixs.
Right on schedule for spa service at 10am. However, there were tiny hiccups along the way.
Stepped into Spa Botanica for the very first time with gal pal, Jennifer and grit my teeth to bid farewell to $200 each for a spa package (no wonder I have to continue working in order to enjoy some quality in life).
However, the overall experience was MONEY WELL SPENT. The Spa Botanica is beautifully done up - lovely facilities, beautiful garden. I enjoyed the galaxy steam bath and massage. Wish George (aka MOTH) was with me to experience the peacefulness and serenity of the spa!
Learnt that George and my almost 3-year old are waiting for me down at Siloso Beach. No time to waste, made a dash to catch a taxi to meet them. Also cursing under my breath that Jen is forever so slow in her actions - I think she's more suited to live the life of an Empress, dilly-dallying all the way with her slow walk, almost feel as if she was floating in the air. I wish I got tell her and shake her up a bit, "Wake up and face reality, gal".
Ran to the beach and saw my man waving to me from a distance... then I spotted a tiny human being in a orange floral swim wear and a flower in her hair... that's my little girl. She was waving to me. Imagine the scene... 2 lovers waving to each other on the beach and they ran towards each other. That's what we did. My little girl ran towards me and I ran towards her to scoop her up. So lovely. This fits the movie screen.
We proceed to Cafe Del Mer, the latest and hippest beach cafe in Singapore - complete with a jacuzzi and small pool facing the sea; lots of comfortable deck and arm chairs - plus not so excellent service by the service staff. Emelia had so much fun dipping in the jacuzzi pool with us.
Time for bed. As I was preparing her milk, Emelia said to me "Mummy, there's a lizard in the room". I looked up and saw a baby lizard staring at us from the ceiling. Emelia shouted for MOTH to help (he left his position in front of the telly to get rid of this lizard - it was the Singapore vs Thailand football match). He was pretty good. He came to the room equipped with a long stick and managed to chase the lizard off. Seconds later, Emelia decided to join her daddy. However as she opened the door, the baby lizard decided to sneak into the room - first its head appeared and then the rest of its body. Emelia got a shock, ran to the bed and screamed and cried for her daddy. This time, MOTH made up his mind. He pursued the baby lizard and managed to captured it and... (the rest is history).
I was pretty impressed. I never knew MOTH was capable to capturing lizards through our years of friendship, courtship and marriage. Hmm... macho.
In conversation with an almost 3-year old

Photos taken during a family holiday in Desaru, Malaysia (Feb 19-21).
The almost 3-year old had turned 3 on 7 Feb... That's her trying to
"murder" her Auntie May with a bucket at the swimming pool.

1 Feb 2007, Thurs
7am - Fair Day.
This morning, I announced to the almost 3-year old that she will be attending swimming lessons. Her first response to me was ... "Will Auntie May be coming with me?"...
Great, mom has been obsoleted from her school outing system.
I then asked her if I could go to school sometimes to surprise her and watch her secretly from the window. She was excited and she said "Yes, I like Mummy to come and visit me in school".
MOTH then decide to ask her "So can Daddy come along too?".
The almost 3-year old replied (without even thinking) "Nope, I don't need Daddy to come. Only Mommy will do". MOTH must have felt dejected and decided to pursue the subject with her. "Why can't Daddy come?".
The almost 3-year old pondered for a while and said "Yes, you may come but only on Saturday".
I started laughing as it was non-school day on Saturday.
The wonder of Dopod, laptops, & technologies only ruined d-d's relationship (dad-daughter).
Maybe next time, the almost 3-year old cannot even recognised her dad's face as his face is always covered by one of his tacky gadgets.
Haha. MOTH must try harder to pursue her heart!
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