As it's her first attempt on a really tall slide, she needed companionship.
How can 2 persons look so similar??? Huh???
We are so insignificant when standing beside a heritage tree.
The little one attempting to climb a tree
This shot is so perfect as both our faces are captured within the branches but we need to erase the man standing between us.
Sat, 22 Mar 08
We headed to Katong Floral Shop to requisite for our long overdue really required giant pot for our bamboo, extra pots for our little papayas, packs of soil, & even added extra greens to our existing "balcony garden". They consist of a little fragipani tree, lipstick plant and ant plant.
A friend commented that our brinjal plants could possibly be morning glories instead as they were bearing purple flowers consistently and yet with no sign of little brinjals for our dining table. Never mind, we now place our hopes on our little papayas. Fingers crossed.
After shopping, we headed to Changi Village for lunch. There, we decided to sample the Filipino cuisine. Shamefully, though we have a Filipina helper working with us for nearly 1.5years, we are never really aware of the cuisine, the country or the language.
In summary (about the cuisine), the style of cooking is similar to the Chinese. The dishes come in relatively smaller quantity but cooked with really strong flavours, that is, very saltish or very sour. They're meant this way as the Filipino will have a larger portion of rice accompanying small portions of dishes. One of the dish we tried was Vinegar Chicken cooked with Ginger. The taste reminded me of one of the confinement dish of Vinegar Pig Trotters with Ginger. Another dish which they have was Chicken with Papaya Soup while the Chinese has Fish with Papaya Soup. For both ethnics, the dishes are especially for nursing mothers.
After lunch, we headed back home, rolled our sleeves up and started gardening. Even the little one was involved with digging, throwing up old soil. Lots of work to do with regards to repotting the bamboo... lots of soil over spill... lots of reshuffling but when the tasks were completed, we were all so mighty pleased with ourselves for working hard to beautify our garden.
The little one commented "I had such a nice time today! I want to go to the Forest tomorrow."
The only member of the family lazing around, doing nothing, complaining (with her meows) was Ms Raggie. Too bad, Kitty! You just have to stay put in your 3-storey condo when work is in progress.
Sun, 23 Mar 08
The little one waited patiently for us to rise and shine from bed since 7am. Poor kiddo. Finally, I moved my lazy butt up from bed. We got dressed and headed to HER FOREST, Botanic Gardens. She wanted to see if she might meet Bambi while hiking. It was a nice walk as we managed to catch sight of plentiful of spiders, insects and squirrels. She understood the need to respect nature and to be as silent as possible. Unfortunately, Bambi was not at home.
Not to mention, really magnificent heritage trees, unique and beautiful flowers, shrubs, etc. We continued our walk to the newly created Children's Playground. The little one truly enjoyed herself. She was really happy.
This is a truly well-spent healthy weekend. Coincidentally, we did activities related to the Greens!