My helper is from
Ilo Ilo, Philippines. Come early Jan 2009, she would have worked 2 years for my family. This means her contract would have ended.
So it's time for the question - will she stay or will she go?
She chose to return to the Philippines. We have no qualms about letting her go. This helper arrived with lots of emotional baggage, problems with family, money problem... when she first started with us, I spent over half a year dealing with her depression and settling her debt issues with her friends in Singapore and the Philippines. Once she was so depressed that she couldn't work for over 3 days. She couldn't get out from bed and finally I sent her to the Emergency Department in
Changi Hospital. She told the doctor she was dying, she couldn't breathe... The doctor had to reassure her that she's fine, she's just under a panic attack.
Now that she told me that she likes to go home. MOTH & I wasted no time to source for her return flight to the Philippines. We knew that December is the peak period with loads of helpers planning to return home for Christmas & New Year. We couldn't get her a seat on Tiger Airways,
ValueAir. The most economical ticket was on so-called over $500 on SQ or Philippines Air. Thank gosh, we found Cebu Pacific and managed to secure a seat
dep 21 Dec for $200.
Phew, cost savings for us!
I told her the next morning that we managed to get her a flight home. Guess what's her response... "So how will I return to
Ilo Ilo from Manila... You mean I will stay in Manila..."
I can only say
sucky attitude. I kept my cool.
I replied to say that my responsibility is to ensure she gets a ticket to Manila. She should notify her family to assist with the ferry or domestic flight arrangement. I then added to say that if we have other
uncertainities, we can call the agency. She quickly replied to say "ah ya, the contract states return ticket to Manila... don't need to call..."
Why her attitude peeved me off?
1st - She's from the Philippines. She obviously know how to get home to
Ilo Ilo. Otherwise how did she turn up from
Ilo Ilo to Manila airport 2 years ago?
2nd - She knew the contract states return ticket to Manila. Yet she wanted to test my reaction or hope that we will buy her the homeward ticket all the way.
3rd - She's so sarcastic to add that comment "you mean I will stay in Manila" as though I'm a god damn fucking bimbo not understanding
geographic or the difference between Manila &
Ilo Ilo!
I'm relieved to send her off. Strangely, when she said she likes to finish her contract, she was tearing and I didn't feel anything for her. I must be a robot?