Sunday, May 18, 2008


Hippy, MOTH'll finally be home tomorrow. I miss him so much.

Especially so tonight when I have a craving for a slice of thick chocolate mud cake but I've no one else to share it with.

So what have we gals been up (life without a MAN)?
We went out makaning alot... some bits of shopping... catching up with family... & sleeping closely together... Today, we went out cycling in the park. My gosh, the 4-year old landed up flying into the drain and smashing into the barriades as she was peddling fast while I was not able to catch. Thankfully, she was not injured in 2 accidents.

I asked her if she would tell her daddy tomorrow about the cycling adventures we had. She laughed and replied that Daddy would say "blur blur!"...

I gotta go now to bed. Gotta work tomorrow due to an event. But look forward to welcoming MOTH.

Ps. MOTH - you see we need you so much. The gals can't go cycling without you.

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